Laminated Veneer

What are veneers?

Veneers are extremely thin ceramic veneer plates and are used for treatment in the anterior region. They also offer an excellent alternative to more complex dentures.

Today, the aesthetic appearance of teeth is one of the biggest concerns of patients. For years, teeth that were considered unaesthetic were treated with veneers. Removing most of the tooth tissue can cause some discomfort.

Over time, the importance of natural tooth tissue was better understood. In this way, a dental restoration can be produced with the lowest possible loss of tooth material, thus avoiding minimal permanent damage to the tissue. This alternative offers you treatment with Verneers.

Development of veneers:

The rapid development of restorative materials, especially adhesive technology, allows us to realise restorations in a way that is both aesthetic and preserves the natural tooth tissue.

For the correction of anterior teeth, porcelain veneers offer a more modern and advanced treatment option than veneers.

Veneers are a popular treatment option in aesthetic dentistry.

With veneers, the aesthetics of the teeth can be changed flexibly in terms of colour and shape. Porcelain veneers are produced in a dental laboratory.

There, they are individually made for you and bonded to the tooth surface as a cover by dentists.

How long does the veneer treatment take?

At least 2 sessions are required for the production and application of porcelain veneers. The length of the sessions will depend on the number of veneers to be used. In the first session, approximately 0.3-1 mm of tooth enamel is ablated and measured (in some cases no ablation is required).

In the second session, the veneers are custom-made in the laboratory according to your smile, shape and tooth colour. In the final stage, the shells are bonded to the tooth surface with adhesive.

Who is it suitable for?

It is the most modern treatment option to achieve permanent white teeth and a radiant smile. Patients are welcome and suitable for treatment if their teeth are discoloured due to hereditary or acquired general or local factors such as trauma, infections, enamel defects, anomalies in tooth structure, closure of diastema (gaps between teeth). Patients who have experienced tooth erosion, tooth wear, correction of slightly crooked teeth and lengthening of teeth, etc.

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