FUE Hairtreatment Methode

Many people all over the world are dealing with the problem of baldness. Sometimes hair loss can be at an uncomfortable level and in a way, regardless of age and gender. Despite the fact that it is a cosmetic reason, billions of dollars of money are spent all over the world. The fact that a person has hair is a fact that has been found to have a positive effect on psychology and self-confidence. If there is a loss in your hair, the cause of this will be investigated and revealed by your doctor. If a cause cannot be determined, we can say that it is due to genetic and familial predisposition. Although the rate of hair loss can be slowed down with some medications and applications, unfortunately, there is no definitive solution to hair loss in today's conditions. If your hair has fallen out, you can make a style according to this situation by creating your own style. The alternative is to use wigs or October hair transplantation. If you want to have hair, hair October is the most economical, effective and healthy method.

Hair October surgery is an intervention performed under local anesthesia. The October procedure can be applied in two ways, namely the FUT technique (Folicular Unit Transplantation) and the FUE technique (Folicular Unit Extraction). In the FUT technique, the scalp island is taken from the back of the head and the hair roots are extracted. The area taken from the scalp is sutured and closed. I will not describe the FUT method in detail, as I almost never practice it anymore. The FUE technique has become the gold standard in hair October. Especially October, upon the increase in awareness of the FUE hair October technique, many individuals have not been afraid of hair transplantation surgery and have done it with peace of mind.

First of all, the biggest feature of the FUE hair October technique is that there are no scars in the area where the hair tissue roots are taken and in the area where the hair will be transplanted, the healing process is short and the results are natural.

October can be done as much as the desired amount of root that may be needed in a day and within 1 session with the FUE hair October technique. Later, if the terms and conditions are appropriate, a second or third session may be needed. The amount of hair root in the area where the October is performed can be increased and correction operations can be performed. Hair follicles are taken with a micro-motor device. With needles with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm located at the tip of the motor, individual hair follicles are removed. Hair follicles are taken from the roots at the back of the head that do not fall out. During the root removal, you will not feel any pain-pain, since local anesthesia was performed before the operation. The hair root removal work by the doctor takes an average of 1-3 hours, depending on the amount of root to be taken. After the root removal process is completed, the hair channels are opened by the doctor, adhering to the planning stage. The most important thing to be considered by the doctor when opening the hair ducts is to correctly determine the exit angles of the hair ducts. After the hair follicles are transplanted one by one with auxiliary needles by the doctor, the hair October process ends. The passage of so many doctor words in one paragraph was made consciously. Because many people who are not even doctors are trying to do the October process. I personally do hair Octobers myself as an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery doctor from beginning to end.

Features of the FUE Technique

No stitches are applied to the area where the hair root is taken, no incision is made, so there are no scars,
Tissue can be taken as much as the desired amount of root in the FUE technique,
October October In addition to hair transplantation, mustache, eyebrow, favorite and beard transplantation can also be performed,
There is no need to apply more sessions. hair transplantation can be performed in 1 October or 2 sessions,
In the FUE technique, an average of 10,000 root purchases can be made in each session. There are an average of 2.5-3 hair follicles in 1 Graft taken,
October of roots is possible between 50-70 per square Decimeter,
You will not feel pain pain after surgery,
After 2-3 months after the operation, the hair begins to grow noticeably. It takes an average of 9-12 months for the hair to fully grow out.
After October, it is necessary to be careful for the first 3 days in order to maintain the vitality of the transplanted hair follicles by adapting to their place. Immediately after October, you can go home wearing a baggy hat. Especially on the first day, you should pay attention to the fact that your head is higher than the level of the heart. Some patients may have swelling(edema) that disappears within the first 2-3 days. You can return to your normal daily activities the day after October. On the third day, the washing procedure will be performed. October 7-10 days after the October, it will not even be obvious that you have had a hair transplant.

Hair Transplantation is a very important procedure and the patient should be taken October seriously and care should be taken. In this regard, there are important aspects that patients should pay attention to. The most important of these is who will do the October by and under what conditions. The October procedure must be carried out absolutely and definitely under the supervision of an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery specialist. It is a crime for non-doctors to practice this practice and it can be very difficult to compensate if you experience a victimization. I personally do the entire October process myself from start to finish.

After October, your hair will fall out in the first month. Then it will start to come out gradually. After October 6.approximately 50-60% per month, 95%-100% of your hair will come out in 9-12 months. The hair that will come out is permanent and will never fall out again.

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